The place
Located in Montpellier, France, le Studio des Aviateurs offers you 3 Control rooms.
Studio A is equipped for 5.1 or 2.1 edit and mix, Studio B is equipped for 5.1 edit and mix, and Studio C is equipped for 2.1 edit and mix. 2 Additionals rooms are dedicated for music or voice recording.
September 8: Esma Jury in front of an audience of professionals from all over the world.
27 films, including recording, sound editing and mixing, were provided by the Studio des Aviateurs.
Thank you to the studio team for their wonderful work!
Guilhem Favard
Sebastien Fournier
Baptist Leblanc
Tristan LeBozec
Mickael Merrheim
Yoann Poncet
Jose Vicente
And, of course, to ESMA, for its trust

A voice-over work on a realization of the Brainchild studio.
Voice: Juliette Cayatte

26 animation films recorded, edited and mixed at the Studio des Aviateurs.
Thanks to Guilhem Favard, Sébastien Fournier, Baptiste Leblanc, Tristan Le Bozec, Yoann Poncet for their competence, their talent and their good humor.
Is it going again for a 2022 promo full of surprises
José Vicente